Ok...I think I finally have this website figured out. I've already typed this whole paragraph once, but someone forgot to save it... So here it goes again!
The whole reason for this blog is that I'm so terribly excited about my new baby Pug that I just cannot hide her from the world. I want everyone to know about her silly antics, I want to be able to turn to the Internet community of Pug lovers when I have questions (since this is my first Pug, let alone my first puppy), and I just want something to do with my life while I live in my new apartment.
The catch is I don't have my pug yet. The litter was born on March 1st, and I can't even pick up my little girl until I move out of my dorm during the second week of May. So she will be about 10 weeks by then. I'm hoping to travel up to meet the breeder and pay for my puppy, so I can have dibs on her, and not worry about them being sold out. I don't think that would happen, but I like to worry :).I've stocked up on all my puppy supplies, except for food and treats. I think I will wait until a few days before I get Lucifer (Lucy) so the food won't have time to spoil.
Finding a respectable breeder seemed like an impossible task. But it was almost like fate when it finally happened. Roommate #1 needed to drop a gift off at her sorority sister's house, but the sister wasn't supposed to know who the gift giver was yet. So yours truly was volunteered to deliver. I rang the doorbell, and out ran a PUG! I squealed with delight, and expressed my love of Pugs to the sorority sister. She said "Oh, yeah, I like 'em too, my aunt breeds them and...." I stopped listening. It was like that scene in the movies where a heavenly light shines down and an angelic chorus sings. So now I bug sorority sister weekly to ask about the progress of the Pugs, and about when I can drive up with her to pick mine out. She is probably ready to shove the cell phone down my throat!So that's it for today.
Oh, but one more thing. I don't have the funds for a new digital camera right now, what with all the puppy gear I need to have, but I hope to save enough to buy a cheap (working) camera sometime before Lucy gets here. But until then, I will be borrowing photos from Google, and if I inadvertently steal your photo, let me know I need to remove it by contacting me at eryn_filipich@baylor.eduThanks for reading everyone! Wish me luck! Any stories about your Pugs, any tips or warnings, or any funny jokes (especially puns) are greatly appreciated!
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